Urban Design Work Completed

Ohlanga Town Centre: Urban Design Framework
(with Iyer Rothaug)
eThekwini Development & Planning Unit
Urban design framework plan, development guidelines, lead projects,
SMME development & procurement strategy

KwaMashu Economic Development Project
(with RIEL & Assoc)
eThekwini Development & Planning Unit
Urban design development framework plan

Umhlanga Rocks Development
Urban design framework and luxury development

Florida Road Historic Precinct: Urban Design Framework
(with Urban Explorations)
eThekwini Municipality
Urban design / development & management plan, architectural conservation,
built form & architectural guidelines, and landscaping.
May to June 2003

Urban Design for Emerging Towns KZ-N
(with Iyer Rothaug)
KZ-N Planning & Development Commission
Research document
December 2003 to June 2004

KwaMashu Town Centre: Urban Design Framework
eThekweni Development & Planning Unit
Urban design framework and architectural guidelines.
February 2005

Durban Point Waterfront: Urban Design Framework
(with Gapp Architects & Urban Designers, Iyer Rothaug)
Durban Point Development Company
Urban design & development framework, architectural conservation, architectural
guidelines, visual presentation material, and design review committee member.
Nov 2002 to Feb 2008

Eskom New Germany Masterplan
March 2007

Eskom Empangeni TSC & TSG Masterplan
August 2011

Sibaya Precinct
Moreland Properties
Urban design and architectural guidelines

Kwa Mashu Piesangs River Valley Development Framework                         City Architects                                           2013